Blue Star
星期日, 04 10月 2015 11:24
如何使用 CC2540 制作一个 iBeacon
- 一台 PC
- IAR Embedded Workbench 集成开发环境,可以用30天试用版本。
- 支持 蓝牙 4.0 的智能手机一部,并安装下列应用之一
- Android Google Play Store.
- iPhone App Store.
- CC2540 开发板
- CCDebugger 下载器
星期日, 16 08月 2015 10:30
Self-portrait,anti-lost,anti-theft,voice recording device
Self-portrait,anti-lost,anti-theft,voice recording device:
星期六, 10 10月 2015 00:10
蓝牙4.0 BLE SimpleBLEPeripheral_添加新CHAR值及UUID
SimpleGATTProfile 中5个特征值,每一个特征值都不同
星期六, 29 08月 2015 09:07
CSR8635/CSR8615 Class2 Stereo ROM Module Electrical characteristic
General Electrical Specification
星期一, 10 08月 2015 04:37
Bluetooth controlled BLE RGB LED light strip
星期五, 04 12月 2015 14:28
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