星期日, 26 09月 2021 20:06


超宽带技术 (UWB) 是最佳定位跟踪技术,您应该使用这项技术。我们可以说 UWB 是当今最好、最先进的定位技术,但证据呢?要回答这个问题,我们需要透过现象看本质。 本章探讨了 UWB 技术的内部工作原理,并概述了 UWB 和窄带定位方法之间的差异。此外,本章还说明了如何针对不同的应用或用例场景选择最佳的系统架构。



A growing number of everyday digital devices, including things like smartphones, door locks, and even the latest cars, now use a wireless feature called spatial awareness. A spatially aware digital device can understand where it is in relation to other devices, and then respond to changes in the positioning of those devices. Spatial awareness makes it easier for us, the users of digital devices, to move through our days.
NXP's UWB and Bluetooth® technologies work together to provide greater location accuracy for Samsung Galaxy SmartTag+
星期六, 13 03月 2021 09:31


星期六, 02 01月 2021 10:30



星期六, 02 01月 2021 10:27


In this paper we present an overview on the development and standardization of ultra-wideband systems, technical aspects of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, and improvements made by the 802.15.4z amendment. We also explain the basic workings of a physical access system, the desired seamless access experience and how ultra-wideband technology can enable it. In addition, we briefly compare ultra-wideband to facial recognition access systems. We conclude by mentioning how ultra-wideband technology may extend to other related applications.
星期日, 20 12月 2020 12:46

UWB Use Cases

Have you ever dreamed of having your front door automatically unlock as you approach? Or wished your house would anticipate your needs and set-up the lights and your TV as you sit on your sofa? Or maybe you want to precisely locate critical health monitoring equipment as you join your shift at the hospital. We are excited to let you know that UWB’s unique fine-ranging capabilities are making these previously impossible applications a reality!

Compelling new experiences benefiting users, combined with the development of an open and interoperable ecosystem, is driving rapid and widespread adoption of UWB across multiple markets and applications.

The (r)evolution has started and UWB will soon be at the heart of our daily lives!
