Bluetooth® Low Energy Wireless Solution to Accelerate Realization of IoT of Embedded Devices.
Single chip Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy application controller using popular ARM Cortex M4 core with dedicated Secure Crypto Engine
星期日, 20 09月 2020 11:04
Ti SimpleLink™ CC2640R2 SDK_Software Development Kit
The SimpleLink CC2640R2 Software Development Kit (SDK) delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments SimpleLink Bluetooth Low Energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU. This powerful software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC2640R2F users by packaging essential software components such as the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) protocol stack, TI-RTOS kernel and TI Drivers in one easy-to-use software package along with exhaustive documentation.
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Double the speed,Four times the range,Eight times the broadcasting capacity
High speed mode
- 2x data throughput
- Faster over-the-air downloads
- Reduce battery consumption
Long range mode
- 4x the range with coded PHY rates of 125 kbps
- Same TX and RX current consumption
- Whole-house coverage
Advertising extension
- Reduce load on advertising channels
- Initiate long-range connections
随着BlueNRG系列低功耗蓝牙芯片及模块软件栈Bluetooth®Mesh的发布,意法半导体已在1月7-10日拉斯维加斯2020 CES消费电子展上演示如何用新软件实现蓝牙Mesh网络的诸多功能。 这些演示将展示如何使用意法半导体的BlueNRG Mesh软件和经过验证的低功耗蓝牙无线传感器硬件平台构建无处不在的可扩展的传感器及执行器网络,支持覆盖整个智能建筑和智能工厂的新用例。