Friday, 18 September 2020 21:28
STMicroelectronics STM32WBx0 Value Line
The STM32WBx0 is a dual-core wireless MCU based on an Arm® Cortex®‐M4 core running at 64 MHz (application processor) and an Arm® Cortex®‐M0+ core at 32 MHz (network processor). The STM32WBx0 Value Line is an entry-level solution, extending our portfolio to allow developers to define the right level of features so their design is cost-efficient and meets the requirements of a broad range of industrial and consumer IoT applications.
Friday, 18 September 2020 15:25
PSoC®6弥补了昂贵、耗电应用处理器和低性能微控制器(MCUs)之间的差距。超低功耗PSoC 6单片机体系结构提供了物联网设备所需的处理性能,消除了功率和性能之间的权衡。PSoC 6单片机采用双CPU结构,两个CPU都在一个芯片上。它有一个Arm®Cortex® - M4用于高性能任务,一个Arm Cortex-M0+用于低功率任务。内置安全,您的物联网系统受到保护。
Friday, 18 September 2020 15:15
Cypress’ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 Cortex-M0+ PSoC® 6
PSoC® 6 bridges the gap between expensive, power hungry application processors and low performance microcontrollers (MCUs). The ultra low power PSoC 6 MCU architecture offers the processing performance needed by IoT devices, eliminating the tradeoffs between power and performance. The PSoC 6 MCU contains a dual CPU architecture, with both CPUs on a single chip. It has an Arm® Cortex® M4 for high performance tasks, and an Arm Cortex M0+ for low-power tasks. With security built-in, your IoT system is protected.
Friday, 18 September 2020 09:16
根据市场调研机构Polaris Market Research发布一份报告显示,到2027年,全球5G芯片组市场规模预计将达到287.9亿美元,2020年到2027年的年复合增长率将达到47.6%。
Saturday, 05 September 2020 23:05
Saturday, 05 September 2020 16:06
基于ABI Research的最新预测及其他分析机构的洞察,《2020年蓝牙市场最新资讯》考察了蓝牙主要无线解决方案的发展趋势和预测。