2020 NXP Cup Innovation Challenge

When we launched the NXP Cup Innovation Challenge, we expected high-quality projects. Still, the caliber of NXP Cup autonomous automobiles submitted absolutely astounded us. From aesthetics to functionality, the self-driving cars created for the NXP Cup Innovation Challenge proved impressive. And that made picking just three winners pretty difficult. In our mind, all participants are winners
A major thank you to NXP for collaborating with us to empower makers around the world, to contest participants. But without further ado, here are the NXP Cup Innovation Challenge winners!
1st place - Team VAXNA: Coming in at first place with a super cool custom-built PCB, an excellent soldering job, and outstanding documentation, Team VAXNA completely stunned us. Top job, Team VAXNA!
2nd place - Team rascar2020: Sliding in at second place is the aptly-named Team rascar2020. We loved their use of 3D printed parts, and additions such as an ultrasonic sensor, plus a fan that added down-force to achieve better cornering speeds. A bang up job by Team rascar2020!
3rd place - Team witek117: Last but certainly not least is Team witek117 with their Knight Rider autonomous vehicle. For starters, we appreciated their car name, the Knightrider:kitty, a reference to the classic David Hasselhoff-starring television series “Knight Rider.” We applaud their use of custom PIXY firmware, a terrific feat, and a laser on the front of the car gets extra points.